Welcome, and well met!

I'm a fan of pen-and-paper RPG's and board games. That's what you are going to find on this site. Sometimes there might be a blurb about the Secret World MMO, my latest DMing project, or a new game that our family has picked up. The focus here is my drifting through Wisconsin's gaming communities. Links will be added as cons are visited, games are played, and authoring is published. Wander around. Grab a tankard. Relax and immerse yourself into polyhedron geekness, Wisconsin style!

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

August costs in gaming = $0.00

This month was something of a cheat.  I had no purchases nor games played.  However; I AM in the planning stages of 2012's conventions.  In that respect, I spent time but no monies on the development of new sites...
1. Obsidian Portal: A free wiki and forum site to focus gamers and maintain game information. Began the process of creating the structure for my Mythen Keep campaign.  Still off-site planning for the 2012 con game downloads, but I've got some ideas locking down...
2. Rotating Dice! I've never blogged before and thought I would quietly try doing it for a month.  Its a good tool to focus the 'gaming mind'.  I think I'll keep working on this.

End total: $0.00 in cash, but roughly 2 hours / day in authoring and game planning.  Pretty good.  Now if it actually takes flight...

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