Welcome, and well met!

I'm a fan of pen-and-paper RPG's and board games. That's what you are going to find on this site. Sometimes there might be a blurb about the Secret World MMO, my latest DMing project, or a new game that our family has picked up. The focus here is my drifting through Wisconsin's gaming communities. Links will be added as cons are visited, games are played, and authoring is published. Wander around. Grab a tankard. Relax and immerse yourself into polyhedron geekness, Wisconsin style!

Tuesday, March 11, 2014


Yesterday was a GOOD MONDAY.

Yep, a good Monday. The quicksilver crept up to the mid-50's, the sun was blazing all day long, I ate a lot of 'frogs' around the house, and was rewarded with a delivery of...

HOOKS at Atlas Games!

Yep, my first ever published work. It's crazy to recall how I got to this point. Two years ago, I was a fan of the game who happened upon an open call for new authors in the Ars Magica 5 world. I took a couple of ideas and shot them out to the line editor David Chart. After a complete overhaul of one concept, then two playtest / feedback sessions, followed by artwork suggestions, introduction page write-up, and author bio; the collaborators and I had to come up with concepts for the cover art.

Done and done.

So now I am a published author. Time for the rubber to start smacking that road!


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