Welcome, and well met!

I'm a fan of pen-and-paper RPG's and board games. That's what you are going to find on this site. Sometimes there might be a blurb about the Secret World MMO, my latest DMing project, or a new game that our family has picked up. The focus here is my drifting through Wisconsin's gaming communities. Links will be added as cons are visited, games are played, and authoring is published. Wander around. Grab a tankard. Relax and immerse yourself into polyhedron geekness, Wisconsin style!

Sunday, May 17, 2015

...and now for something completely different.

Greetings from the aether!

Wow. It has been a while since I've posted on the RD. Gaming has been more of a memory of clacking dice and less of a reality at this end (lately). However; that has changed as of this weekend. I've been contacted by a number of folks from the realm of Gen Con to help out in various arenas.

<Insane, toothy grin>

First off, I've been invited to provide DM duties at the True Dungeon on Saturday! That's eight straight hours of LARP-esque interaction, a tee shirt, ultra-rare coin, and other goodies. This is a bit of a dream come true, as I have always wanted to peek 'behind the curtain' of one of these events and see how the nuts and bolts of the event fit together. Hopefully, I will not regret what I have wished for.

Second on the roster is Feng Shui 2! Atlas Games is working me into their DM-ing rotation so that I can do some world-saving-pulpy-sci-fi-weird-magic game of guns and explosions to life!

Third; on the subject of Atlas Games, is the newly dropped card game: Three Cheers for Master! This is a nifty little game where each player builds cheerleader towers with whatever little black minions they are dealt; in the hope that when master returns, they will bring master joy (or at least not get eaten).

Finally, Gen Con event sign-up unlocks today around noon. Time to lock down those schedules!

Ten weeks to go.
Ten weeks to go.
Ten weeks to go.
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy...