Monday, December 19, 2011


Writing up a French covenant for the game, but I have the Beast of Brey Road on my mind.
We'll see where that mess gets me...

Monday, December 12, 2011

Back to skool'en

I'm reading!  Not just one, but TWO books.
Syd Field's The Screenwriters Problem Solver
Save the Cat! Strikes Back!
Both are 'how to' books on screenwriting. I know in my gut that I have the tools to write well. It's the lexicon and mind sets of those who are in the business that I have no clue about. So; I will read a little and hope to absorb a LOT.
Working on two submissions for ArM5... still. Both are for the same book, each has a very unique flavor. I hope one of them flies.
Digging into my past writings. Some are over a decade old. Some can only be books; others might work as potential non-novel media.  We'll see where it all falls apart... er TOGETHER.  Yeah, that's it. Together.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Building a couple of houses.

An authors call has dropped from Ars Magica. Although the details are confidential, the project is right up my method of preferred writing... so much so that I am planning on hammering out two submissions for the project!
Other than that, its been game writing this past week. I'm expanding some secondary groups that should serve as diverse (and hopefully interesting) foils for the PCs.
-Dave out!